Friday, October 12, 2007

You Need AntiAging Eye Cream!

It was supposed to be a happy occasion. It was my wife's birthday and we were all settling down around the birthday cake with the glowing candles.

Then my youngest daughter piped up... "Mom! You have wrinkles and they really look like crows' feet!"

You could hear a pin drop and glancing quickly at my wife, I noticed her weak smile and I started to wonder how I could make her feel better...

And this has led me to find out more about antiaging eye cream and the wonders it can do for not only my wife but in my daughters' life to come.

You know, in aging, it is not only extra years in your life. It is also extra baggage on your body, especially your face. Your face is always the first give away of your true age because like in my wife's case, her wrinkles, eye bags and dark circles (all as a result of sacrificing herself to take good care of us) gave here age away.

When I went to the shops to buy something to help my wife, I was bewildered with the wide range of creams and gels available. And the sales girl told me that everytime something new comes to the market, the antiaging eye cream will all be snatched up in no time at all.

I found out that area around the eyes are the thinnest on the face because they lack oil glands and fat. And this results in a lack of protection. So the years of rubbing, blinking and smiling takes its toil of the skin and the blood vessels become more prominent, resulting in dark circles around the eye.

Wrinkles around our eyes is also because the skin dries much faster in that area. One reason could be that as we age, we produce less collagen and elastin which makes the skin tight.

Tomorrow, I will talk about why we should use antiaging creams even though we feel we may not need it yet.


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